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Science Stage 4
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Biology Stage 6
Ecosystem Dynamics
Biological Diversity and Organisation of Living Things
Independent Research Project
Earth & Environment
Earths Resources and Human Impact
Earth & Environment Modules 5 to 8
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Landscapes and Landforms
Place and Liveability
Water in the World
Geography Stage 5
Environmental Change & Mgmt.
Sustainable Biomes
Changing Places
Geography Stage 6
Earths Natural Systems
People, Patterns and Processes
Human-environment Interactions
Ecosystems and Global Biodiversity
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Year 11 Biology
Ecosystem Dynamics
Programs can be used as stimulus or as practical investigation for the new Depth Study component and will contribute to 5 of the 15 required hours for a Depth Study.
Long Reef Rock Platform, Collaroy
Excursion Synopsis
Students will examine the distribution and abundance of tidal rockshelf animals using quadrats and study zonation using a transect.
Abiotic components such as temperature and salinity will be measured and human impact will be discussed. Relationships between organisms will be studied and a species list will be generated.
A producer and a consumer organism will be identified using a key and studied in detail to observe their structural features and adaptations.
Independent Research Project
Independent Research Project
based on Ecosystem Dynamics at Long Reef can be conducted, suitable for an independent depth study. Prior to the field study, an equipment list, equipment instructions sheet, and worksheets are sent to the booking teacher, allowing students to design their own investigation based on the pre-excursion reading. On the day, Auseco instructors will help students refine their investigation and guide students through use of experimental equipment and sampling techniques.
Please note:
Due to the level of preparation and pre-excursion research, the program is best suited for highly motivated students and teachers.
Botany Bay, Towra Point
Excursion Synopsis
Students study in detail four main components of this habitat – Seagrass, Mangroves, Salt Marsh and Sand Dunes. Chemical and physical tests allow students to detail the differences in these environments.
A plant transect study shows the progression and change of dominate plant species. The mangrove is a very unique organism, students learn of its adaptations and characteristics first hand.
Quadrats are used to measure distribution and abundance of animals with the mangrove forest. A seagrass animal catch gives students the opportunity to capture and study the local marine life. Relationships between organsims will be studied and a species list will be generated.
Camp Kedron, Ingleside
Bantry Bay, Forestville
Camp Coutts, Heathcote
Excursion Synopsis
Students will compare two plant communities by measuring abiotic factors such as temperature, soil moisture, soil depth, pH and aspect. Quadrats will be used to measure distribution and abundance of trees.
A native plant and an animal will be studied in detail to observe their structural features and adaptations.
Students will observe and identify relationships between organisms studied throughout the day. Human impacts in this ecosystem will be observed and discussed.
Mt Keira, Wollongong
Excursion Synopsis
Students will focus on the rainforest community but will superficially compare it to the adjacent sclerophyll forest by observing the vegetation. In the rainforest students will measure abiotic factors such as soil moisture and soil pH. Quadrats will be used to measure distribution and abundance of rainforest trees.
A plant and an animal will be identified and studied in detail to observe their structural features and adaptations.
Relationships between organisms will be studied and human impacts on the rainforest will be observed and discussed.
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